Apply to Summerfair 2025
See important dates and application information below!
Click the ZAPP links to find out more and apply today.
2025 Deadlines and Application coming soon!
December 1, 2024 – Application Opens
February 9, 2025 – Application Closes
March 7, 2025 – Notifications sent via email
March 27, 2025 – Exhibitor Confirmations Due
April 17, 2025– Deadline for withdrawal with refund*
Important Deadlines
*After the Refund Deadline, a refund will be given only after Summerfair approves reasons and/or the booth space has been refilled. There will be an Administration Fee of $75 assessed for all withdrawals or cancellations. This assessment will be deducted from the booth space refund payment. At its sole discretion, Summerfair reserves the right to waive the fee for good cause shown.
Established in 1968, Summerfair is a combination of more than 300 fine artists and craftspeople from across the country exhibiting and selling works ranging from ceramics and sculptures to painting and photography.
All applicants’ work is reviewed by a panel of judges, comprised of artists and art educators with backgrounds in the categories offered at Summerfair. In order to be considered, works submitted must be original art produced by the applicant.
2D/3D Mixed Media
We use an electronic internet based application through www.zapplication.org, The application generally goes live at the beginning of December and the deadline to apply is generally around the end of January.
Our application is completely internet based and we are unable to accept paper applications.
There is an application fee that is paid at the time of application. This is a non-refundable fee paid by everyone who applies to the show. If you are invited to exhibit at the show you will purchase your booth space in order to confirm your acceptance.
This is a juried art show, every artist who exhibits goes through the jury process. If your application was not received by the deadline and you were not included in the jurying, we are unable to invite you to exhibit with us.
If you are notified via email through Zapplication that you have been accepted to this year’s show, you will need to accept the invitation and then purchase and pay for your booth space to confirm your acceptance. If you will not be able to exhibit with us after all, you also have the option to decline your invitation through Zapplication.
The email you received through Zapplication regarding the alternate list will have several options. Please reply to that email with your preference of remaining on the alternate list until show time, remaining on the alternate list until a particular date, or asking to be removed from the alternate list.
We call artists off of the wait list by category and there is no accurate way for us to tell whether you will be called off the list. The first round of calls off of the wait list will be made just after the confirmation deadline for artists who were invited initially. Other calls will be made as cancellations come in. There may be a final round of calls made in the days just before the show based on booth availability and predicted weather conditions.
We do our best to accommodate any booth requests made, however we do not guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Due to the outdoor location and changes made to the area, we cannot guarantee electricity at any of our booths even if that location had electricity in a prior year, but we will do our best to accommodate your request. If you MUST have electricity, please come prepared to provide your own if your space does not have it available. No extension cords may be run across any walkways or hung overhead. If you bring a generator please be considerate regarding noise levels and emissions.
Layout for the show is usually completed by the end of April. An email will be sent through Zapplication with your booth location and other important information. It will then be listed on your Zapp account.
Set up and check in for the show begins on Thursday around 11:00 a.m. and will continue until 5:00 p.m. Summerfair staff and volunteers will be working on the grounds prior to that time, please be respectful of Summerfair volunteers and other artists. Set up and check in will continue on Friday morning beginning at 7:00 a.m. and we ask all artists to be ready to go by 10:30 p.m. on Friday. The show opens at 12:00 p.m. Friday.
Prior to 11:00 on Thursday artists will not be permitted onto the grounds for set up due to preparations being made by Summerfair staff and volunteers. Once you have checked in you may stay as long as you wish. You may get onto the grounds after 5:00 p.m. but there will not be anyone available to direct you to your location and you will need to pick up your exhibitor packet from check in on Friday. If you set up in the wrong spot you will be asked to move.
No. You can just show up on whichever day works best for you. Please do make sure you come to the correct gate for entry. All of the interior ‘roads’ are one way and if you come to the wrong entry gate you will need to go back out to the main street and come back in the correct gate
We so appreciate knowing that in advance of set-up. Please send an email with details to info@summerfair.org and I will get you onto the large vehicle list. Make sure to do this at least 2 weeks before the event.
Based on your booth location you will either come in the West Gate (closest to I-275) or the East Gate (through the main archway entrance to Coney #2). If your booth number begins with 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49 or 50 please come in through the East Gate. If your booth number begins with 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 or 38 come in through the West Gate #1, closest to the bridge. All ‘roads’ inside the show area are one way, please do NOT exit the same way you came in. Everyone will exit out Blue Lagoon, which runs west only, along the river and comes out at the bottom of the West parking lot where you may leave any trailers or extra vehicles during the show. There will be Green Shirts to help along the way. Exhibitor Check In will be at the gate you are assigned to enter. Be sure to arrive at the appropriate gate because that is where your packet will be.
Please find a green shirt (member volunteer) with a radio and bring it to their attention, they will contact the Exhibitor Relations committee member on the grounds. You may need to be patient until someone from Exhibitor Relations is able to assist you. We will have your information and will get to you as quickly as possible. If the issue is a tree or low hanging branch, please do NOT cut the tree in any way.
Unfortunately, there are not enough Summerfair volunteers available for us to offer this service. Occasionally individual members know someone who may be willing to assist you. Please contact Exhibitor Relations via email if you are interested in this.
As stated on our application, Summerfair requires the artist to be at the show. If you are unable to do this, please do not accept your invitation to exhibit.
Coney Island Park does not allow animals on the grounds with the exception of service animals.
Coney Island Park does not permit anyone to stay on the grounds at night.