Aid to Individual Artists (AIA) Award
Do you create art within a 40-mile radius of Cincinnati and are at least 18 years old? You may be eligible for the Summerfair AIA award, offering $5,000 grants to selected artists! AIA award recipients are also invited to showcase their work in the Summerfair Select exhibit.
Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: Open to individuals residing within 40 miles of Cincinnati who are 18 or older. Students over 18 enrolled in a degree program require faculty sponsorship.
One Application Per Year: Artists can submit one application per year.
Exclusions: Summerfair Cincinnati members and past Summerfair Cincinnati Aid to Individual Artists Award recipients within the last three years are not eligible.
Small Arts Organization Awards
This award is designed to increase opportunities for arts experiences for all members of our community regardless of age, ability, income, or location.The Small Arts Organization Awards program provides awards up to $5,000. The program is designed to assist local, small and mid-sized arts organizations with the creation of new programs, expansion of current programs, or assistance with production or presentation expenses. These awards help to increase opportunities for arts experiences for all members of our community, regardless of age, ability, income, or location.
Criteria for consideration of funding requests include:
Quality of the art performed/produced
Number of people benefiting from the program / project
Impact of Summerfair’s contribution
Unique or innovative aspects of the program / project
Diversity of the target audience
Potential for the program / project to attract a new audience
Project must occur within one-year after the Summerfair award date
Emerging Artists
Annually, junior and senior art majors from local universities, representing the next generation of artists to emerge on the local art scene, are nominated by their professors, juried by Summerfair and are afforded the opportunity to exhibit their work among their peers.
High School Scholarships
Summerfair Cincinnati’s Executive Board, as part of its goal to expand the organization’s impact on the local arts community’s art education outreach initiatives, has expanded its support role in partnership with the Cincinnati Arts Association (CAA) through it’s annual Overture Awards program. The annual support of $12,000 will provide the CAA the funding for the entire VISUAL ARTS and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC segment, as well at the ART EDUCATOR award, of the Overture Awards program.